“One Community, One Goal; To Exceed Expectations!”
Staff Contact Information
Welcome to the Clay Joint Elementary School District website and home of the Clay Cougars! As a small, rural school and district located in southern Fresno County, Clay has successfully served students for more than 134 years. Clay School was recognized as a California Distinguished School in 1994, 2000, 2004, and 2014. Clay has also earned status as a National Blue Ribbon School.
High expectations, strong core curriculum, traditions, and family involvement are the essential elements for student success at Clay. Dedicated teachers, staff, and parents are committed to providing a positive and successful learning experience. Outstanding co-curricular programs such as music, band, choir, drama, inter-league sports, and reading incentives provide avenues for recognition and individual achievement. At Clay, there is something for everyone.
Clay Joint Elementary School Faculty and Staff Members with email addresses
Mrs. Judi Szpor | Superintendent/Principal | jszpor@clayelementary.org
Mr. Curtis Lehn | Director of M.O.T. | clehn@clayelementary.org
Miss Brioni Boyajian | CBO | bboyajian@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Sylvia Armendariz | Administrtative Assistant | sarmendariz@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Ana Claxton | Kindergarten Teacher | aclaxton@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Amber Kreiter | 1st Grade Teacher | akreiter@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Emily Rogalsky | 2nd Grade Teacher | erogalsky@clayelementary.org
Ms. Madison Barsoom | 3rd Grade Teacher | mbarsoom@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Kate Jost | 4th Grade | kjost@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Stormie Scomona I Learning Director/Intervention/ELD I sscomona@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Sabrina Sawatzky I Intervention Teacher I ssawatzky@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Julie Rocha / Multi-tiered Support I jrocha@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Stacy Hanson | 5th Grade Teacher | shanson@clayelementary.org
Mr.Luke Gramza| 6th Grade | lgramza@clayelementary.org
Ms. Tami Karich | 7th Grade Teacher | tkarich@clayelementary.org
Mr. Zachary Lopes| 8th Grade Teacher / Vice Principal |zlopes@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Sandy Marshall | Music Teacher / Library | smarshall@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Katlyn Kelly| School Psychologist | Fresno County Office of Education | kkelly@fcoe.org |
Mrs. Ashley Botello | Athletic Activities Director/PE Teacher | abotello@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Adriana Infante | Bilingual Instructional / Instructional Assistant I ainfante@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Libby Miller | Instructional Assistant / Bus Driver | lmiller@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Debbie Lopez | Instructional Assistant I dlopez@clayelementary.org
Miss Elisha Cervantes | Instructional Assistant | ksmith@clayelementary.org
Mrs. Elizabeth Jobe | Food Service I ejobe@clayelementary.org
Mr. Matt Krueger | Custodian / Grounds I mkrueger@clayelementary.org
Sub Part Time| Custodian | @clayelementary.org
California Distinguished School 2014